6 Attitudes of High Achievers

The 6 Attitudes of High Achievers 

John R. Noe 

1. Make no small plans: Make big ones 
Reflection:  I think that this is a great way to be a high achiever because you will not set a small limit to yourself. By setting big plans, you will have more to achieve. If you set a small goal, you only set yourself up to a small and specific task. I will apply this to my everyday life by pushing myself. Instead of wanting to score a "B" in a class, I would much rather aim for a "A+". This can be seen in the quote, "Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die" by Daniel Burnham. This quote shows how one should aim high and how you should not be settling for a small plan. A personal aim for me will be like adding a turbo to my car in the future. Instead of just upgrading the engine and adding a medium size turbo, I would rather swap out the entire engine and add a bigger size turbo. This will show that  I settled for a bigger plan and I will accomplish more in the long run. 

2. Do what they fear
Reflection: I think this quote is great because it shows that you have the courage to do what people are scared to do. An example of this is like slavery. African Americans were getting mistreated like if they were animals. That is when some people decided to do what others wouldn't do, stop slavery. It took them a long time but eventually by one person stepping up, many went along and followed their hearts. This shows how some people stepped up and did something some others were scared to do. By doing things that others won't, you will succeed and be more ahead of those people. This can be seen in the quote, "Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can do what others can't" by Jerry Rice. This quote is good because it clearly shows how by you doing things others won't, you will be able to do things what other people wish they could do. Personally, I would use this to do what others won't like doing a engine swap to make my car faster. Almost every person keeps their car stock and do not do anything to make them faster.

3. Willing to Prepare 
Reflection: It is best if you are prepared rather to be ignorant and be unprepared. This can relate to the quote, "I'd rather be safe then sorry". It relates well because both show how being prepared is better than to be unprepared and regretting not being prepared. Being prepared can bring you great rewards. An example can be like, if you did your homework on time. Some might wait until the last minute to do it and regret it because they will not do their best on the homework. Also, another example can be seen while going to camping. Those who are prepared will think of the problems they can face and bring things to overcome those problems. On the other hand, some might just bring the "necessary" things and not be prepared. They might regret it because they will not thing of bringing bug repellent and be bitten in the night and get no sleep. While the other people who are prepared are sleeping like babies int heir tent because they brought bug repellent.

4. Willing to Risk Failure
Reflection: I think this will make a person  high achiever. Being able to not be afraid to fail, sets you up for a chance to success. You cannot be successful if you don't fail. The reason is because you will always have to the question, "What if"? That will prevent you from trying new things that will let you take a chance to a successful pathway. An example can be like in a business world. You might have a company that is making good prophets. If you come up with an idea of a item to sell but don't want to sell it because you don't want to take the risk of it not selling. You are holding yourself back from something that could be worth a lot. If you produce it and it fails, now you will know how to improve on it on the next time. This can be seen in the quote, "Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try," by Michael Jordan. This quote is brilliant because it clearly states that failure isn't the things we should be afraid of, it should be not taking that risk to fail or succeed.

5. Are Teachable 
Reflection: I think that if you are a high achiever, you are able to teach your ways to those who need help. By being an achiever and teaching others, you become a higher achiever. This is because when you help others, you help yourself to be a more successful person. When you teach someone something, you will also learn a lot. For example, if I teach someone how to do a math problems. In the future if i get the same question, I will remember how to do it because by teaching someone, it stays recorded in my head. By teaching someone, you can also learn many things from them to make yourself a smarter person as well. This can be seen in the quote, "A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone" by THINKGROWPROSPER. When you teach someone something, they can ALWAYS teach you something you didn't know before. If you do this constantly, you will be not only helping others, but learning more yourself to become a high achiever.

6. Have Heart 
Reflection: To be an achiever one MUST have good heart. By having good heart, you now will respect others while earning the respect of others as well. To be a high achiever you need connections and when you have heart, people will be gladly to help you. I can use this in real life like in school. If I have good heart and respect others, they'll do the same and now I achieved others respect. This motivates you to be a high achiever. This can also be seen in the quote, "Super achievers are those who have heart." This quote clearly demonstrates that by being kind-hearten, you will be a high achiever. Being cold-hearten makes you a bad and untrustworthy person. This can prevent you from being a high achiever because you will only bring negative experiences in your life.


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