Importance of Setting Goals

Setting Goals Setting goals on a daily basis are really beneficial. Throughout the day, you have something to strive for. If you don't set goals, you will just go about the day and let it control you. Setting goals gives you a path in your day. By setting goals, you are now motivated to accomplish what you want or need. If you don't set goals you will just think about doing or accomplishing something but never really do it. It is critical to writing down goals because you'll have an advantage in achieving your dreams. Goals you set can be either long-term or short-term goals. By accomplishing and checking off your goals, you will feel motivated to keep on accomplishing more and more. One on my shorter-term goals is to join the United States Marines. This goal should take around 6 months to complete so it's not long nor short. One of my long-term goals is to coyote swap my foxbody. This should be a longer goal to accomplish and at the end, it will be rewarding. ...