
Showing posts from October, 2017

Importance of Setting Goals

Setting Goals Setting goals on a daily basis are really beneficial. Throughout the day, you have something to strive for. If you don't set goals, you will just go about the day and let it control you. Setting goals gives you a path in your day. By setting goals, you are now motivated to accomplish what you want or need. If you don't set goals you will just think about doing or accomplishing something but never really do it. It is critical to writing down goals because you'll have an advantage in achieving your dreams. Goals you set can be either long-term or short-term goals. By accomplishing and checking off your goals, you will feel motivated to keep on accomplishing more and more. One on my shorter-term goals is to join the United States Marines. This goal should take around 6 months to complete so it's not long nor short. One of my long-term goals is to coyote swap my foxbody. This should be a longer goal to accomplish and at the end, it will be rewarding.  ...

Freelance Writing

Today is going well because we have a shorten day. I donated blood in school and wasn't that bad. It took about 10 minutes for me to be done donating blood. I felt fine after and didn't feel dizzy, light,  nor like I was going to faint. I wanted to stay there for the rest of school hours but they told me I couldn't stay there forever unless I didn't feel well. I got a shirt for donating blood and snacks. I'm just waiting for school to be over so I can go home and go to sleep. School is boring. I don't want to go to my next class. Hopefully donating blood doesn't negatively affect me tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going on a long hike with the Marines. I was supposed to go with my family to Arizona for the weekend but decided to stay and stay dedicated to the things that I want to achieve in my life. That achievement is to become a United States Marine after high school. Going to college after high school isn't something that I want to do. I want to live and ab...

6 Ways to Make People Like You

"6 Ways To Make People Like You" Dale Carnnegie  1. Become genuinely interested in other people  Reflection:  Sometimes I am very shy to talk to other people. Many people just fake it and act like they're actually interested in the conversation. I'm always genuine when talking to someone because they might have advice that will help you in the future. For example, when I had theater, in my class they have great advice about what the real world acting is like. You can always learn stuff from anyone, everyone has past experiences that will help you in the long run. From my own experience, I need to improve on being more motivated into action. I need to be more involved in acting and actually trying to be the person I am acting. I always want to be in the conversation so I don't feel as I'm left out. Honestly, I really do a better job of being in the conversation. From now on I will strive to be genuine and interested in talking to other people. 2. S...

Career Research

United States Marine I chose this topic because I would like to become one when I graduate from high school. In the Marines I would like to be working as a MOS 3521. I would like to be an auto mechanic because I would like to learn new skills about fixing vehicles while also making myself a better a more stronger person. Being in the Marine Corps looks really challenging and I would love to challenge myself. MOS 3521 are the ones who organize mechanic services, inspects, maintains, and repairs motor transport equipment. They work on High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HUMVEE) by providing the vehicle with fuel and water. 

Freelance Writing

Just this week I believe I have done a lot to prepare myself for my future. I have gotten more information about the Marines. I took the PICAT and got a good score so I am going to go to take the ASVAB this Thursday and then going to get my physical next Tuesday. Joining the Marines is something I have looked forward for a long time. Once I graduate high school, my leave to boot camp is estimated to be in August or September. I am joining with a friend and are supposed to be in boot camp together. I have to choose 3 jobs I got offered from many fields and my 3 choices were: 1) Mechanic on diesel trucks 2)  Aircraft Mechanic and 3) Engineer in Construction or Infantry Sniper.