6 Ways to Make People Like You

"6 Ways To Make People Like You"
Dale Carnnegie 

1. Become genuinely interested in other people 
Reflection: Sometimes I am very shy to talk to other people. Many people just fake it and act like they're actually interested in the conversation. I'm always genuine when talking to someone because they might have advice that will help you in the future. For example, when I had theater, in my class they have great advice about what the real world acting is like. You can always learn stuff from anyone, everyone has past experiences that will help you in the long run. From my own experience, I need to improve on being more motivated into action. I need to be more involved in acting and actually trying to be the person I am acting. I always want to be in the conversation so I don't feel as I'm left out. Honestly, I really do a better job of being in the conversation. From now on I will strive to be genuine and interested in talking to other people.

2. Smile
Reflection: I think that smiling is the BIGGEST thing to make people like you. When you communicate with people or they just see you, your smile is one of the first things they look at. Smiling puts a sense of good energy and emotions. Someone who doesn't smile puts negative thought to others. This can prevent them from talking to you because they will think you are in a bad mood. Smiling makes you seem like a person they will love to be around. When you smile, that is your way of showing your inner emotions. When you talk to new people and smile, you will also put a smile in the other persons face too. Making others smile makes everything just work out better. This is why smiling is the BIGGEST thing to make you seem a person to be like in my opinion. 
3. Remember Names 
Reflection: Remembering names is crucial to getting people to like you. When you talk to someone, try to remember their names for another conversation. By remembering their names, it shows that you are a caring person. It also shows that not only did you remember them, but you remembered who they were. This makes them feel warm inside and will almost guarantee you a new friend. It might seem like a small detail but to the other person whose name you remembered, will make it seem so much more. If people remember your name, you will also feel good about yourself. It brings confidence, love, care, and much more. This is why remembering names are crucial to making new friends and making them like you. Not remembering names may bother people and it shows that you didn't really care or nor was interested in knowing them. 

5. Talk In Terms of The Other Man's Interest 
Reflection: I think that having similarities with others will make them like you. If you talk what they are interested about, they will be more open to you and would want to talk to you. This is because if you talk about what they like, they will be eager to keep talking to you. See what others like and have a conversation about that. It shows manners and makes you look intelligent because of the level of interest you have. I have another theory that it means to be open-minded. Being openly minded helps you see things in a different perspective. Sharing the same topic will show that you are interested in talking about what they like not just what you like. People will like you because you are open and don't only talk about yourself. This will make people like you. An example can be like going to car meets. People will like you if you talk about their cars and share the same topic, cars. 

6. Overall Reflection  
Reflection: These 6 rules are the key ways to make sure people will like you. They all have a way that connects to each other so that people will like you. An example can be like being interested in other people's conversations and what they have to say. Being interested shows that you pay attention and care which most people are looking for in people. Smiling, on the other hand, is the way you present yourself to others. Smiling alone shows the outer feelings of yourself and people like when you smile rather than being mad. Being mad will not get you to be liked because you present yourself as someone you don't want to be around. At the end of the day, personally, I think that you shouldn't have to apply all these things just so that someone can like you. I think that people should like you the way you are. If you never smile and never remember one's name, I don't think that should be something to work on. Just be yourself and if people don't like you, it doesn't matter. 


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