10 Keys to Personal Power
10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
Key 1: Clarity
"Have a vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going."
Reflection: I think that being clear about what you want to do is something that'll give you an advantage to yourself and your progress. When you know what your goal is, you'll know what you have to do to achieve it. Also, when you have a goal, you aren't spending and wasting your time trying to figure out what your goal is. Tracy states, "Lack of clarity is the number-one time-waster." This quote is great because it clearly shows that when you are not clear about your path, you will be wasting your time and not being as progressive as you should be. Being a productive person requires you to have goals to maintain a path that has achievements ahead and not have negative consequences. Successful people set goals to remind themselves that they are always doing a productive task and to remain in that position. Once you reach your goal, set more and slowly you will complete more goals than you thought you were capable of achieving. Being clear makes you aware of what you want to achieve in your successful life. People who don't have goals aren't clear about what they want to do, and thus brings them to be unsuccessful. Be clear and know what you want and be determined to know what you are pursuing. If not, you will be on a "blurry" path and not know where you are headed.
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."
Reflection: Being concentrated is one of the top skills you can exercise to be successful and have more personal power. When one is concentrated, they get more work done and get closer to achieving their goals. When you have no distractions, you really get into the habit of working hard to get your needs done. A lot of people can be on their "success" path but once they get distracted and start to slack off, it can possibly lead them off or even have their whole progress collapse. Being concentrated really makes you think deeply about your goals and why they are so sentimental to you. When you think deeply about your goals, you will strive to work even harder to reach your goals. Being distracted can happen to you easily and can be extremely regretful to your success progress. Having reached your goals will make you more excited to proceed to reach and accomplish more. This will help you stay on task and not keep you from being distracted. This is why you want to maintain from being distracted so you can get the most progress done. This will highly be needed when accomplishing goals.
Key 4: Common Sense
Train your mind, think things through, listen to your intuition, learn from setbacks
Reflection: Having common sense is a very good way to have and use to make yourself to have more personal power. Thinking things through will make you a smarter person because it will train you to have a mindset of thinking ahead and planning ahead. It also makes you think logically and helps you overcome some of the tasks you have ahead. Common sense also benefits personal power because you do not rely on others for you to do or overcome a challenge. Using this technique allows you to think about the objective and use knowledge to find the solution to the problem. An example can be like giving your car a new oil change. Some people have common sense to know that a vehicle needs new oil over a amount of period to work at its best and keep internal parts well-maintained. On the other hand, some people may not be educated or not have the common sense to change the oil or check every once in a while. This can result in internal problems and may lead to parts breaking or non function early. The benefit of having common sense to change the oil will be that your car life will be longer and keep it maintained so no replacements of any parts have to be done. This shows ones common sense to think of the problems of the actions they do today that can affect them in the long run. That is why having common sense will improve and make you have stronger personal power.

Key10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."
Reflection: This is the overall most valuable for me. By having confidence, you will not be afraid to take on new tasks in life. When you have confidence, you also have the courage to face your fears and not live your life saying "what if i had done this?" You will put your mindset of believing in yourself which will boost your success and your personal power. When you aren't confident, you will set yourself back to possibilities and opportunities to expand as a person. An example can be like having the confidence to speak at your job conferences. If you have the confidence, your boss will see your ideas and see that you are a person who takes charge. This will help you because you won't let an idea that your boss might like stay quiet. On the other hand, if you aren't confident you will just be like the rest of the crowd. Your boss won't even probably know you are there because those who are confident will be being looked at. Be confident and speak out. Show that you are capable and be successful.

Final Reflection: After exercising the 10 C's to improve personal power, I have realized how simple and powerful these C's can improve your overall personal power and success. The 10 C's are: Clarity, Competence, Concentration, Common Sense, Creativity, Consideration, Consistency, Commitment, Courage and Confidence. Each has it's own way of making their own way they are important like a link in a chain. If you decide to exercise the C's, all must be used. All have to work together because if you decide to not try on some, your whole progress may not go anywhere or go as far as you would want. Some like Confidence, depend on the person because they are "skills" and they have to be worked on consistently. These are efficient because they were studied from successful people and shown to help those who simply follow these 10 C's.
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."
Reflection: Being concentrated is one of the top skills you can exercise to be successful and have more personal power. When one is concentrated, they get more work done and get closer to achieving their goals. When you have no distractions, you really get into the habit of working hard to get your needs done. A lot of people can be on their "success" path but once they get distracted and start to slack off, it can possibly lead them off or even have their whole progress collapse. Being concentrated really makes you think deeply about your goals and why they are so sentimental to you. When you think deeply about your goals, you will strive to work even harder to reach your goals. Being distracted can happen to you easily and can be extremely regretful to your success progress. Having reached your goals will make you more excited to proceed to reach and accomplish more. This will help you stay on task and not keep you from being distracted. This is why you want to maintain from being distracted so you can get the most progress done. This will highly be needed when accomplishing goals.
Key 4: Common Sense
Train your mind, think things through, listen to your intuition, learn from setbacks
Reflection: Having common sense is a very good way to have and use to make yourself to have more personal power. Thinking things through will make you a smarter person because it will train you to have a mindset of thinking ahead and planning ahead. It also makes you think logically and helps you overcome some of the tasks you have ahead. Common sense also benefits personal power because you do not rely on others for you to do or overcome a challenge. Using this technique allows you to think about the objective and use knowledge to find the solution to the problem. An example can be like giving your car a new oil change. Some people have common sense to know that a vehicle needs new oil over a amount of period to work at its best and keep internal parts well-maintained. On the other hand, some people may not be educated or not have the common sense to change the oil or check every once in a while. This can result in internal problems and may lead to parts breaking or non function early. The benefit of having common sense to change the oil will be that your car life will be longer and keep it maintained so no replacements of any parts have to be done. This shows ones common sense to think of the problems of the actions they do today that can affect them in the long run. That is why having common sense will improve and make you have stronger personal power.
Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Reflection: I think that being creative is the best way one can show their inner feelings. When you are creative, it can improve your personal power because it allows you to think and release your feelings. This is important because it allows you to think deeply about something and look beyond the subject. An example can be like painting. This form of art allows the painters to think about anything and paint what they feel, think, or leave a message. Asking questions also help improve your personal power. When you ask more questions, you learn more and it shows that you are paying attention and wanting to learn more. People who ask questions will benefit because you will get an all-around view of the subject and fully understand where you need help. Some people may not ask questions because they're shy or don't really care and this keep barriers from learning because they won't understand the subject at their full potential. Every person is a genius and it takes time for them to show that they have that potential. Creativity is important because it shows the persons inner genius and allows them to show it in their way. This is how everyone can express and show their own genius the way they want.
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationship with other people will determine your success in life."
Reflection: Being considerate with other will not only make them feel successful, but make you feel the same way. When you are helpful and give, you will receive by others and much more than what you give. Being successful is not only about making the most money no matter what the cost is. Being successful and wealthy consists of helping others and they'll help you so everyone can benefit. This is how being truly successful and having personal power really is. When others help you when you need help, you will be thriving to succeed and to show to them your gratitude by later on paying pack for their kindness. Being considerate shows that you are happy with your personal inner feelings and have succeeded. Being considerate can also help you make your company, education, profits, etc. to increase and make more of either or. An example can be like if you were introduced a new item or merchandise to your company and had to invest money to make it succeed. Some company owners might not be even considerate to be thinking about a new item because it might waste their money and not be a successful item. If you are considerate and think about the new item, you can invest in it and take the chance to see if it is successful or not because you can't always be on the safe side and not take risks.
Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
Reflection: Being consistent can make others rely on you and make your personal power increase. When you are consistent it shows that you know what you are doing and know how to maintain your path. It also can show others that you are someone that is reliable and also responsible. An example can be like a steady good-quality company vs a quick-production company. The quick-production company might be making a lot of products but can be not so good products. This shows that it has a bad consistency of producing bad or noneffective products.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
Reflection: This is important to become an overall successful person and to have strong personal power. When you start to do something to become successful, many obstacles are going to be in your way. Some people may just give up and forget about the path they were going in. When you have commitment, you will overcome the obstacles and push forward. This is what successful people have and is important to be committed to whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Uncommitted people will be used to just quitting when things get hard and never overcome their challenges. That'll make them stay behind in their progress to accomplishing their goals in life. When you are totally committed, you will not think twice to keep trying to accomplish your goals. Nothing will stop you from being what you want to be and doing what you want to do. An example can be like starting a business. You may not have that many customers and you can either close down or be committed to making your business bigger. The committed person will get their business out there and make companies hear about them. They will take their business to a successful position and still to expand and accomplish more goals.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
Reflection: This quote is very important for being successful and being strong in your personal power. When you are afraid about doing something, you will never open new doors and always stay the way you are. When you have courage, you put yourself out there and accomplish much more. This is because you are determined to make yourself a better person and learn more than what you already know. An example can be like trying out for a soccer team. You might not try out because you are afraid of not making the team. This will set you back because now you lose the chance of even trying to see if you are good enough to make the team. On the other hand, the person withe courage will take that chance and give it their all. If they don't make the team, they will practice daily so they can have a better chance for next try-outs. By being courageous, you will now take more chances to expand your success. Those who are afraid, remain in their comfortable bubble and don't give anything a try. Those who are full of courage live life as well and have fun.
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
Reflection: This quote is very important for being successful and being strong in your personal power. When you are afraid about doing something, you will never open new doors and always stay the way you are. When you have courage, you put yourself out there and accomplish much more. This is because you are determined to make yourself a better person and learn more than what you already know. An example can be like trying out for a soccer team. You might not try out because you are afraid of not making the team. This will set you back because now you lose the chance of even trying to see if you are good enough to make the team. On the other hand, the person withe courage will take that chance and give it their all. If they don't make the team, they will practice daily so they can have a better chance for next try-outs. By being courageous, you will now take more chances to expand your success. Those who are afraid, remain in their comfortable bubble and don't give anything a try. Those who are full of courage live life as well and have fun.
Key10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."
Reflection: This is the overall most valuable for me. By having confidence, you will not be afraid to take on new tasks in life. When you have confidence, you also have the courage to face your fears and not live your life saying "what if i had done this?" You will put your mindset of believing in yourself which will boost your success and your personal power. When you aren't confident, you will set yourself back to possibilities and opportunities to expand as a person. An example can be like having the confidence to speak at your job conferences. If you have the confidence, your boss will see your ideas and see that you are a person who takes charge. This will help you because you won't let an idea that your boss might like stay quiet. On the other hand, if you aren't confident you will just be like the rest of the crowd. Your boss won't even probably know you are there because those who are confident will be being looked at. Be confident and speak out. Show that you are capable and be successful.
Final Reflection: After exercising the 10 C's to improve personal power, I have realized how simple and powerful these C's can improve your overall personal power and success. The 10 C's are: Clarity, Competence, Concentration, Common Sense, Creativity, Consideration, Consistency, Commitment, Courage and Confidence. Each has it's own way of making their own way they are important like a link in a chain. If you decide to exercise the C's, all must be used. All have to work together because if you decide to not try on some, your whole progress may not go anywhere or go as far as you would want. Some like Confidence, depend on the person because they are "skills" and they have to be worked on consistently. These are efficient because they were studied from successful people and shown to help those who simply follow these 10 C's.
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