Student Led Conference Reflection: Haymore

        I.            The title of my artifact project is titled: Knock-Knock.
      II.            My performance grade I received was a 96/100.
    III.            I showed skills such as coding, uploading images, and more.
    IV.            The biggest challenge I faced in this project was when I put the text for each character and over a period of time, their words would overlap.
      V.            I showed the SLO of an Effective Communicator because I was communicating to my audience through coding.
    VI.            I showed the SLO of a Willing Collaborator by helping those who were struggling. We were able to help one-another and this allowed us to collaborate and bring us together as one team.
  VII.            I could have done better by using more animations. Also, have my characters move while they were talking to not seem repetitive.


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